OD Club Singapore Group

Old Dovorians are located around the world, and as such it is only natural that Old Dovorians bound by the common link of being educated at Dover College continue to keep in touch with their former class mates, but also with other Old Dovorians from previous years, but also with those who have left the school more recently.

The Old Dovorian Group in Singapore was set up a  number of years ago as an independent satellite of the Old Dovorian Club, which meets formally a couple of times a year, however the members of the group meet up to enjoy each others company on a more regular basis’s.

The group also acts as as a “centre point” for any Old Dovorians who wish to meet up during either a business trip or leisure trip to Singapore, also this group can help any Old Dovorian who re locates to Singapore,  as it gives them and their family a friendly contact point to help them establish themselves into the local community.

The group is run by Rick Maund (M74 – 79), who can be contacted via email