Sports and Social

Within the Old Dovorian Club there are a number of both sporting and social groups, which are run by Old Dovorians for the benefit of the members of the Old Dovorian Club, these groups are run as independent Old Dovorian Groups both here in the United Kingdom, but also around the world, in Singapore, Hong Kong and Africa to name a few.

The Old Dovorian Club have currently two sporting groups, namely the Old Dovorian Cricket Club and Old Dovorian Golf Society.

The Old Dovorian Cricket Club can trace its roots back to the 1880’s in various disguises, either as an independent Cricket Club or as part of the Old Dovorian Club, Only recently the Cricket Club once again re established its self as an Independent, stand alone group within the Old Dovorian community after nearly 80 years.

The Old Dovorian Golf Society, is a more recent addition to the Old Dovorian community, which was set up as an independent group in the 1960’s by a group of Old Dovorians who had a passion for golf, and has continued to play a full fixture list through out the year, which includes the recently established annual golf match against the school in the summer.

Both the Old Dovorian Cricket Club and Golf Society play a number of matches against other clubs, golfing society’s,  and school alumni, mainly in and around the South East of England and London.

The hosting of the Club’s very popular annual London Cocktail party is the highlight of the year, and is held in mid-January at the RAF Club in Piccadilly, as well as other formal and informal gatherings that take place throughout the year.

But also to support and bring together Old Dovorians, a number of Old Dovorian Club Groups have been set up which are located both here in the UK as well as around the world.

It is only natural that Old Dovorians bound by the common link of being educated at Dover College continue to keep in touch with their former class mates, but also with other Old Dovorians from previous years, but also with those who have left the school more recently.

The Club strives to keep its members informed and updated with Club news, activities and members’ news, which is done via the Club’s online publication of The Dovorian News.


OD Club London Group
OD Club Kent Group,
OD Club Midlands Group
OD Club North of England Group
OD Club Hong Kong Group
OD Club Singapore Group
OD Club Africa Group

Old Dovorian Golf Society
Old Dovorian Cricket Club (UK)(external link)
Old Dovorian Lodge


Tuesday 10th September 2024:

Old Dovorian Golf Society Captains Day at Hever Castle Golf Club.

Thursday 26th September 2024

Informal Drinks for Old Dovorians who left in the 1970’s at the RAF Club, London

Thursday 10th October 2024:

Old Dovorian Golf Society West Surrey Triangular Match at West Surrey Golf Club.

Thursday 31st October 2024:

Old Dovorian Golf Society Knole Park & AGM at Knole Park Golf Club.

Friday 17th January 2025:

Old Dovorian Club London Cocktail Party at the RAF Club, Piccadilly, London 19.00 start